Sunday, February 8, 2009

Converting Cameras

Here are the two cameras to be converted.

On the left is a lens-less Kodak, with incredibly flexible and intact bellows, glass view back. I need to re attach the bellows to the front slide, and in turn for no lens, make a pin hole for its eye. As for the back, I am making it adaptable for 4x5 negative holders by extending the back of the camera out with light tight boards and velcro to hold the carrier in place.

The camera on the right is fully functional as is. But, instead of using a roll film, I want to experiment using small medium format negatives of the 3.25 x 4.25 size, available by efke films. I need to procure or make a larger changing bag for this though, due to the fact that every image made will entail the changing out for a next negative for the next shot.

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