Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Street Performance

Today was the first street performance attempt made, and it was fortuitously amazing! After work at the lab I met up with Dax at the downtown Berkeley BART station where we proceeded to pull out his accordion, my stilts and a moth newly constructed. For an hour and a half at rush home hour, we produced so many smiles on faces that I couldn't help but want to go back again and again. We made an all time record of $20 dollars, a Sim phone card, and a poloroid (which is like gold now), all placed into a bike helmet for our makings. Essentially what we did: Dax played his accordion and sang as I danced around with his moth puppet on stilts. No attempts were made to evacuate us from the premise... which was a worry since no permit was at hand. But many people watched, smiled, took photographs and videos, all which made us have a fantastic time. It was enough inspiration to collect our dinner money every night this way!

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